Wednesday, January 13, 2016

So Compulsion Problems are a Real Thing

I come from a family of pack rats.

(I also didn't know pack rats were a real animal until I started dating someone from Arizona.)

When you combine a mentality that collecting/keeping is good with a lack of willpower, you get, well, me.

I know there is too much stuff in my house. In the past few years, I have been able to go through my clothing once every year or so and say "I don't need this, this, or this." I've very recently come to do this with my books as well. I've already been able to offload dozens of books at the used bookstore chain in my city. 

Those of you who understand how used bookstores work know the obvious flaw in this scheme: 


At most used bookstores, someone will determine what among your offerings will be useful to them, and then offer you either some amount of cash, or three times the amount in trade. You always take the trade, because you can use it for other things! Movies! Records! Little knick knacks and scarves and bags you can give as gifts! Books you can give as gifts!

And then you just hoard it for yourself.

While I might get half the number of books I brought in, I'm still taking books back home. Bad Jess!

At least, for the most part, I only buy books either used or on super kindle sale. Sometimes I'll get something full price, but I'm either getting it with an employee discount (yay, spouses!) or paying full price in order to support my local Indie Feminist Solar-powered Bookstore. This is a good middle ground between my high school and college practice of BUY ALL THE BOOKS (remember those wonderful years of nothing but expendable income?) and my frequent, failed efforts at adulting via moratorium.

I know there will be compulsion buys. I don't feel compelled to buy something every time I'm in a bookstore, but it's probably more frequent than it could be. So I stick to my parameters and try to be strong.

Cause I know if I've just come across it randomly, I won't get to it soon anyway. 

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