Thursday, December 31, 2015

Rebranding...Yes, Again...And Reading My Own Damn Books

When I started Our Daily Pryde as a project to hone my writing skills, I was in denial of the fact that I wouldn't keep up with it. At all. And then I came back in 2014 and thought that maybe, I could just use it for my random bits of writing as they came forth.

And then, Book Riot happened.

I had already been writing once or twice a month for The Hub, YALSA's YA Lit blog, for several years, but then I left YALSA for financial reasons and I was still loving writing about books. So I submitted an application to the open call for new contributors when I saw it at Book Riot. And then I started writing for Panels, too. And then I became a copyeditor for Women Write About Comics, and occasionally throw something in the pot there, too. And then I got this awesome new job in Arizona that partially includes regularly writing blog posts and other content for the library website.

So basically, what I'm saying is, I have no creative writing brainpower left at the end of the day.

But I really want to get back into personal writing about books. Sometimes I might have feelings that don't really fit anywhere else, or I might want to take part in something awesome, like Andi's challenge for 2016. Actually, that last thing was what inspired me to come back to this blog. (I also have a blog that I started when I was still in library school called "The Frivolous Reader" and I have a  limping music blog called "Life in Three-Four" but I can't figure out what email account I used for the former and don't want to cross-post on the latter. So here we are.)

So this year, I'm going to #readmyowndamnbooks. And I'm going to make sure the internet keeps me going with it. (Wait until you see my unread physical books corner. Libib says I have 307. But I'll bet that doesn't include various things that didn't have ISBNs or wouldn't scan... and we won't even get into the ebooks. Okay, we will, but later.)

Will you join me? Or at least cheer me on from the sidelines?